Tag: broth
Creamy Potato-Celery-Leek Soup: A Cure For Weather Head

I wish I were some kind of tough all-weather recreationalist, but the truth is, I’m a fair weather outdoors-woman. Rain and gloom have me pouting indoors with a condition which my husband refers to as Weather Head. Symptoms include headache, pessimism and crankiness. Days like these make me think I…
Vegetarian Wontons in Two Ways and Why I don’t Eat Fake Meat
Spicy Sweet Potato Peanut Soup (Vegan): Try It–You’ll Like It!
Vegetarian Noodle Soup with Asian Flavors
Creamy Squash Soup Redemption
Homemade Vegetable Broth: A New Challenge
My husband, Wayne, and I disagree on broth. He claims that the key to excellent broth is long simmered chicken bones and parts. Or those of beef or pork. I’ll admit that plenty of world culinary history backs up his contention. Still, because I don’t eat chicken, beef or pork,…